Unlocking Transformation Potential: Avoid Pitfalls and Drive Success

Par PABE Consulting

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mardi 10 septembre à 14h00 (1h)
In today's rapidly changing business landscape, transformation programs are vital for staying competitive. However, many organizations encounter significant roadblocks that delay progress and create frustration. This webinar tackles these challenges by offering practical solutions and actionable insights. It is designed for transformation leaders in the retail, FMCG, and luxury sectors. During this session, an expert will share strategies to overcome common obstacles and enhance the effectiveness of transformation initiatives.

Points forts du webinaires (Key Takeaways)

  • Understanding common obstacles in transformation programs and how to avoid them.
  • Framework for assessing the maturity and performance of transformation initiatives.
  • Prioritizing transformation efforts based on impact and required effort.
  • Practical steps to identify and address root causes of transformation challenges.

Cible du webinaire (Webinar Audience)

This webinar is tailored for professionals involved in driving transformation programs within large enterprises or mid-sized companies. It is particularly relevant for those in the retail, FMCG, and luxury sectors who are looking to overcome challenges in their transformation initiatives.

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